Lufthansa Surprise is reintroduced
Lufthansa has reintroduced Surprise concept for spontaneous getaways from Munich and Frankfurt airports.
If you are flexible with your destination, you can choose among nine different travel topics and enjoy a direct Lufthansa flight starting from 69 EUR return including taxes and fees.
Lufthansa Surprise
- You get better prices when you are flexible
- Flight is in Lufthansa Economy Light class
- The price of your ticket is calculated according to number of deselected cities and time parameters
- All LH Surprise flights are nonstop flights
- You can book 1 to 42 days before departure (minimum stay of 18 hours for one overnight and 36 hours for 2 overnights)
- Your Destination will be revealed at the end of the booking process, so you have time to prepare for your trip
- Passengers are responsible for valid documents and issued visa to their destinations
Destinations from Frankfurt Airport
[tab title=”Go East”] From 69.00 €
[tab title=”Sightseeing and Culture”] From 79.00 €
[tab title=”Nature”] From 89.00 €
[tab title=”Sun and Sand”] From 89.00 €
[tab title=”Bromance”] From 99.00 €
[tab title=”Cities”] From 99.00 €
[tab title=”Partying”] From 99.00 €
[tab title=”Romance”] From 99.00 €
[tab title=”Shopping”] From 99.00 €
And the same travel categories, but with slightly different cities are available from Munich Airport
[tab title=”Go East”] From 69.00 €
[tab title=”Sightseeing and Culture”] From 79.00 €
[tab title=”Nature”] From 89.00 €
[tab title=”Sun and Sand”] From 89.00 €
[tab title=”Bromance”] From 99.00 €
[tab title=”Cities”] From 99.00 €
[tab title=”Partying”] From 99.00 €
[tab title=”Romance”] From 99.00 €
[tab title=”Shopping”] From 99.00 €
How does Lufthansa Surprise work?
It is quite simple. Select departing airport, travel theme and dates. In case you completely do not want to visit one of the possible destinations, like Stockholm under Sea and Sand theme, you can exclude it, but it will increase the price of the flight. Minimum 3 cities should be selected, but in some cases it almost doubles the price.

And after you complete the booking, the destination city will be revealed by Lufthansa so you can prepare and plan your visit.
Regular prices for some of the destinations on direct flights are at very least twice higher, so it is a really great saving offer, if the end destination is not that important.
It is a cool concept, which I wish was introduced by more airlines, especially SAS. During most public holidays, flights anywhere from Copenhagen airport are ridiculously expensive. I would be more than willing to pay 100 euros to escape Scandinavia for some sun in most of the European destinations operated by SAS.
Would you use Lufthansa Surprise for a random getaway or vacation?
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